Empowering 10 million+ People to Enjoy More Fulfilling Relationships Through Science
Dr. Gary W. Lewandowski Jr. is a Professor and former Chair in the Department of Psychology at Monmouth University. Dr. Lewandowski's research, writing, and public speaking focuses on three main areas: romantic relationships, self and identity, and the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). He has published over 50 academic articles and book chapters, given over 120 conference presentations, authored over 150 articles for mass media outlets, co-edited the book The Science of Relationships: Answers To Your Questions about Dating, Marriage And Family, Co-Founded www.ScienceOfRelationships.com (now Luvze.com), consulted on the development a relationship app, and co-authored an innovative research methods textbook, Discovering the Scientist Within: Research Methods in Psychology, now in its third edition, and a new statistics text. He has also given a TEDx talk, Break-ups Don't Have to Leave You Broken, which has over 2.6 million views.
Dr. Lewandowski recently published his first trade book, Stronger Than You Think: The 10 Blind Spots That Undermine Your Relationship...and How to See Past Them, co-edited a book on self-change in relationships, and is writing an introduction to psychology textbook. His Psychology of Relationships blog on Psychology Today and articles in other outlets have been read by over 8.5 million people.

Dr. Lewandowski’s research and relationships expertise has been featured in a number of media outlets including: The New York Times, CNN, The Atlantic, Ladies Home Journal, Woman’s World, Marie Claire, WebMD, Women’s Health, Self Magazine, Psychology Today, Woman’s Day, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Men’s Health, Scientific American Mind, and USA Today. In addition, his writing has appeared in a number of outlets including: Time, Newsweek, New Republic, Scientific American, The Conversation, Business Insider, Refinery29, New York Magazine's Science of Us, and The Washington Post.
In recognition of these accomplishments, Dr. Lewandowski received the Emerging Researcher Award from the New Jersey Psychology Association and was inducted into the Society for Experimental Social Psychologists. Dr. Lewandowski is also a nationally recognized teacher who, in addition to receiving Monmouth University’s Distinguished Teacher Award, was featured in the Princeton Review’s: The Best 300 Professors book which selected the “best” professors from an initial list of 42,000 professors from across the country.